ProductCXN100How do I play Qobuz on my Network Player?

How do I play Qobuz on my Network Player?

  1. Open the Qobuz app and choose the playlist, album, song, etc. that you wish to stream to your player.

  2. Select the Qobuz Connect icon within Qobuz and select your player from the list.

  3. Qobuz should now be Casting your chosen content to your player.

  1. Open the Qobuz app and choose the playlist, album, song, etc. that you wish to stream to your player.

  2. Select the Qobuz Connect icon within Qobuz and then select Airplay & Bluetooth from the list.

  3. Select your player from the list. Qobuz should now be streaming your chosen content to your player via AirPlay.

Note: Please ensure that you sign into your Qobuz account when prompted to do so. This will only be required on the first instance of use to link the account to the StreamMagic app.

  1. Open the StreamMagic app and navigate to the ‘Library’ tab, and then select Qobuz.

  2. Choose the playlist, album, song, etc. that you wish to stream to your player.

  3. Qobuz should now be streaming your chosen content to your player.