ProductStreamMagic AppHow do I stream from Qobuz via the StreamMagic app?
StreamMagic App

How do I stream from Qobuz via the StreamMagic app?

You will be able to stream Qobuz directly from within the StreamMagic app, if you have one of our Qobuz compatible Network Players. Our Network Players that are compatible with Qobuz are the Stream Magic 6 V2, CXR120/200, 851N, CXN V1, CXN V2, EDGE NQ, EVO 75/150 and AXN10/MXN10.

How-to guide

1. Ensure that your Network Player and the device you are running the StreamMagic app on are connected to the same Network

2. Open the StreamMagic app on your device

3. Ensure that your Network Player is connected to the StreamMagic app.

4. Select the 'Library' tab, then select 'Qobuz'.

5. Log in to your Qobuz account.

6. Select the chosen content you want to stream to your Network Player. Qobuz should now be streaming to your Network Player.