ProductStreamMagic AppHow do I enable Sources in the StreamMagic app?
StreamMagic App

How do I enable Sources in the StreamMagic app?

How-to guide

1. To enable a source within the StreamMagic app, go the "Home" tab on the app and navigate to the "Sources" section

Select EDIT in the top right corner.

2. Scroll down to the bottom of the "Edit Sources" page, and select "Add/Remove sources"

3. Enable sources by ticking the check boxes (For example, "TV ARC")

Once you have selected the desired sources you wish to use on your player, press Save in the top right corner of the screen.

4. Once enabled, you may "Edit Sources". You can rename, adjust volume trim and toggle source specific features

5. When you're done enabling and editing your chosen sources, dismiss the "Edit Sources" page and your changes will be configured for the player