ProductCXA61/81Can I obtain a service manual for my CXA61/81 ?

Can I obtain a service manual for my CXA61/81 ?

We don't typically give out service manuals for current products, or products that are still on sale, as these contain detailed component listings and technical schematics which are still our intellectual property. This is standard procedure for most electronic manufacturers.

Warranty for UK & ROW

Your Cambridge Audio product warranty is the responsibility of the retailer or dealer that you purchased from.
If you purchased from Cambridge Audio directly via or our Amazon stores:

Cambridge Audio products are covered by a warranty from the date of purchase which may differ based on the region it was purchased. This does not cover above-average wear and tear, misuse, and abuse.

Electronics, Disc Players, Speakers, TV Speakers, Wireless Speakers and Remotes:

2 years warranty

For U.K customers who purchased from Cambridge Audio directly via our eBay store:

The warranty is specified on each individual listing.


If you purchased from a retailer or dealer please contact them for warranty information.